
iawaisrauf at gmail dot com

I am a research associate at MBZUAI (among top 20 AI research institutes).

Previously, I was

I have published my research in top venues, including NeurIPS, ICCV, and TNNLS. And I have served as a reviewer in CVPR, ICLR, ICCV and NeurIPS. I also won 📊a national-level ml competition, ✈️ a travel grant to attend AustMS and 🖥 NVIDIA’s GPU grant for research.

I am fourtunate that I get to work with amazing people: Dr. Lingjuan and Dr. Weiming at Sony AI, Dr. Fengwei, Dr. Chuanlong, Dr. Zhenguo, and Prof. Luo at Huawei, Prof. Sung-Ho for Ph.D. supervision, and Dr. Ali and Dr. Usama at ITU.

I also like 📖 reading, 🏛 traveling, 🧑‍💻 coding and 👷🏼‍♂️ building stuff.


Jul, 2024 Three papers accepted at ECCV, MICCAI, and ICASSP. Congratulations to co-authors.
Apr, 2023 I have joined MBZ University of Artificial Intelligence as Research Associate.
Sep, 2022 One paper got accepted at the Neural Information Processing Systems - NeurIPS, 2022.
Jun, 2022 I have joined SonyAI, Japan as an assistant researcher.
May, 2022 Got travel funding from University of Sydney to attend AustMS Workshop on Bridging Maths and Computer Science.
Sep, 2021 One paper got accepted in Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - NeurIPS, 2021.
Aug, 2021 One paper got accepted in International Conference on Computer Vision - ICCV, 2021. For details, please visit project page.
Jun, 2021 I am serving as a reviewer for three conferences (CVPR’21, ICLR’22, ICCV’21) and two workshops (CVPRW’21 on Adversarial ML in the Real World (link) and ICLRW’21 on Security and Safety in ML Systems (link).
Jun, 2020 One paper got accepted in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems - TNNLS.
Jul, 2018 Won Election Prediction Contest held by Ignite, Red Buffer, DeepLinks and Code for Pakistan (link).
Jul, 2017 NVIDIA has accepted our proposal for the grant of Titan-X GPU to support research.