CS-6465 - Computational Journalism

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    Registered for this course as soon as it became available through BuzzPort. I would say, a fairly thought-provoking, if not unimaginative, course. I did learn a decent amount, but the course uses outdated journalistic tools (considering we live in a tech-driven era) - feather quill pens and parchments, blotting paper, as well as typewriters. Final exam involves creating your own paperweight design using mathematical modeling for perfect weight distribution and stability. A lot of the class is just getting over the initial frustration of not understanding the tools of the trade, then getting a flimsy grasp of that “je ne sais quoi” of writing, holding on to that thought for dear life, and then finally hoping the curve would be up-bended (or upended?, or bent up?) at the very end.

    Overall, if you like Scribbling, you will most likely enjoy this course, and if you don’t - this class will probably be somewhat entertaining. Win-win!

    My background:

    25 years old, recently married (although currently in legal separation process) with two kids, finished undergrad in 2017.

    Coding Experience: Very little (academic experience with several languages, mostly writing LISP interpreters and C-to-Assembly code translation)

    Writing Experience: Moderate (4 published short-form novels, Pulitzer Prize finalist in Fiction in my sophomore year)

    Math Experience: Strong (completed Tensor Analysis, Algebraic Topology, and Stochastic Calculus in my first semester)