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    Analytical Tools

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    CSE-6040 Computing for Data Analytics core
    ISYE-6501 Introduction to Analytics Modeling core
    MGT-8803 Business Fundamentals for Analytics core
    CSE-6242 Data & Visual Analytics core
    MGT-6203 Data Analytics & Business core
    ISYE-6402 Time Series Analysis elective-stats
    ISYE-6414 Regression Analysis elective-stats
    ISYE-6740 Computational Data Analytics elective-stats
    ISYE-7406 Data Mining & Statistical Learning elective-stats
    ISYE-8803 High-Dimensional Data Analytics elective-stats
    ISYE-6644 Simulation & Modeling for Engineering & Science elective-ops
    ISYE-6669 Deterministic Optimization elective-ops
    ISYE-6402 Time Series Analysis elective
    ISYE-6414 Regression Analysis elective
    ISYE-6420 Bayesian Statistics elective
    ISYE-6644 Simulation & Modeling for Engineering & Science elective
    ISYE-6669 Deterministic Optimization elective
    ISYE-6740 Computational Data Analytics elective
    ISYE-7406 Data Mining & Statistical Learning elective
    ISYE-8803 High-Dimensional Data Analytics elective
    CS-6400 Database Systems Concepts & Design elective-extra
    CS-6601 Artificial Intelligence elective-extra
    CS-6750 Human-Computer Interaction elective-extra
    CS-7637 Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Systems elective-extra
    CS-7642 Reinforcement Learning elective-extra
    CS-7643 Deep Learning elective-extra
    CS-7646 Machine Learning for Trading elective-extra
    CSE-6250 Big Data for Health Informatics elective-extra
    ISYE-6402 Time Series Analysis elective-extra
    ISYE-6414 Regression Analysis elective-extra
    ISYE-6420 Bayesian Statistics elective-extra
    ISYE-6644 Simulation & Modeling for Engineering & Science elective-extra
    ISYE-6669 Deterministic Optimization elective-extra
    ISYE-6740 Computational Data Analytics elective-extra
    ISYE-7406 Data Mining & Statistical Learning elective-extra
    ISYE-8803 High-Dimensional Data Analytics elective-extra
    MGT-6311 Digital Marketing elective-extra
    MGT-8813 Financial Modeling elective-extra
    MGT-8823 Data Analytics & Continuous Improvement elective-extra
    MGT-6748 Applied Analytics Practicum practicum

    Business Analytics

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    CSE-6040 Computing for Data Analytics core
    ISYE-6501 Introduction to Analytics Modeling core
    MGT-8803 Business Fundamentals for Analytics core
    CSE-6242 Data & Visual Analytics core
    MGT-6203 Data Analytics & Business core
    ISYE-6402 Time Series Analysis elective-stats
    ISYE-6414 Regression Analysis elective-stats
    ISYE-6420 Bayesian Statistics elective-stats
    ISYE-6740 Computational Data Analytics elective-stats
    ISYE-7406 Data Mining & Statistical Learning elective-stats
    ISYE-8803 High-Dimensional Data Analytics elective-stats
    ISYE-6644 Simulation & Modeling for Engineering & Science elective-ops
    ISYE-6669 Deterministic Optimization elective-ops
    MGT-6311 Digital Marketing elective-track
    MGT-8813 Financial Modeling elective-track
    MGT-8823 Data Analytics & Continuous Improvement elective-track
    CS-6400 Database Systems Concepts & Design elective-extra
    CS-6601 Artificial Intelligence elective-extra
    CS-7637 Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Systems elective-extra
    CS-7642 Reinforcement Learning elective-extra
    CS-7643 Deep Learning elective-extra
    CS-7646 Machine Learning for Trading elective-extra
    CSE-6250 Big Data for Health Informatics elective-extra
    ISYE-6402 Time Series Analysis elective-extra
    ISYE-6414 Regression Analysis elective-extra
    ISYE-6420 Bayesian Statistics elective-extra
    ISYE-6644 Simulation & Modeling for Engineering & Science elective-extra
    ISYE-6669 Deterministic Optimization elective-extra
    ISYE-6740 Computational Data Analytics elective-extra
    ISYE-7406 Data Mining & Statistical Learning elective-extra
    ISYE-8803 High-Dimensional Data Analytics elective-extra
    MGT-6311 Digital Marketing elective-extra
    MGT-8813 Financial Modeling elective-extra
    MGT-8823 Data Analytics & Continuous Improvement elective-extra
    MGT-6748 Applied Analytics Practicum practicum

    Computational Data Analytics

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    CSE-6040 Computing for Data Analytics core
    ISYE-6501 Introduction to Analytics Modeling core
    MGT-8803 Business Fundamentals for Analytics core
    CSE-6242 Data & Visual Analytics core
    MGT-6203 Data Analytics & Business core
    ISYE-6402 Time Series Analysis elective-stats
    ISYE-6414 Regression Analysis elective-stats
    ISYE-6420 Bayesian Statistics elective-stats
    ISYE-6740 Computational Data Analytics elective-stats
    ISYE-7406 Data Mining & Statistical Learning elective-stats
    ISYE-8803 High-Dimensional Data Analytics elective-stats
    ISYE-6644 Simulation & Modeling for Engineering & Science elective-ops
    ISYE-6669 Deterministic Optimization elective-ops
    CS-6400 Database Systems Concepts & Design elective-track
    CS-6601 Artificial Intelligence elective-track
    CS-6750 Human-Computer Interaction elective-track
    CS-7642 Reinforcement Learning elective-track
    CS-7643 Deep Learning elective-track
    CS-7646 Machine Learning for Trading elective-track
    CSE-6250 Big Data for Health Informatics elective-track
    ISYE-6740 Computational Data Analytics elective-track
    CS-6400 Database Systems Concepts & Design elective-extra
    CS-6601 Artificial Intelligence elective-extra
    CS-6750 Human-Computer Interaction elective-extra
    CS-7642 Reinforcement Learning elective-extra
    CS-7643 Deep Learning elective-extra
    CS-7646 Machine Learning for Trading elective-extra
    CSE-6250 Big Data for Health Informatics elective-extra
    ISYE-6402 Time Series Analysis elective-extra
    ISYE-6414 Regression Analysis elective-extra
    ISYE-6420 Bayesian Statistics elective-extra
    ISYE-6644 Simulation & Modeling for Engineering & Science elective-extra
    ISYE-6669 Deterministic Optimization elective-extra
    ISYE-6740 Computational Data Analytics elective-extra
    ISYE-7406 Data Mining & Statistical Learning elective-extra
    ISYE-8803 High-Dimensional Data Analytics elective-extra
    MGT-6311 Digital Marketing elective-extra
    MGT-8813 Financial Modeling elective-extra
    MGT-8823 Data Analytics & Continuous Improvement elective-extra
    MGT-6748 Applied Analytics Practicum practicum

    Computational Perception & Robotics

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    CS-6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms core
    CSE-6140 Computational Science & Engineering Algorithms core
    CS-6601 Artificial Intelligence core
    CS-7641 Machine Learning core
    CS-6475 Computational Photography elective
    CS-6476 Computer Vision elective
    CS-7638 Artificial Intelligence for Robotics elective
    CS-7639 Cyber Physical Design & Analysis elective
    CS-6475 Computational Photography elective
    CS-6476 Computer Vision elective
    CS-7638 Artificial Intelligence for Robotics elective
    CS-7639 Cyber Physical Design & Analysis elective

    Computing Systems

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    CS-6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms core
    CS-6210 Advanced Operating Systems core
    CS-6250 Computer Networks core
    CS-6290 High Performance Computer Architecture core
    CS-6300 Software Development Process core
    CS-6400 Database Systems Concepts & Design core
    CS-6035 Introduction to Information Security elective
    CS-6200 Introduction to Operating Systems elective
    CS-6210 Advanced Operating Systems elective
    CS-6238 Secure Computer Systems elective
    CS-6250 Computer Networks elective
    CS-6260 Applied Cryptography elective
    CS-6262 Network Security elective
    CS-6263 Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems Security elective
    CS-6290 High Performance Computer Architecture elective
    CS-6291 Embedded Systems Optimization elective
    CS-6300 Software Development Process elective
    CS-6310 Software Architecture & Design elective
    CS-6340 Software Analysis elective
    CS-6400 Database Systems Concepts & Design elective
    CS-6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms elective
    CS-6675 Advanced Internet Systems & Applications elective
    CS-7210 Distributed Computing elective
    CS-7280 Network Science elective
    CS-8803-O04 Embedded Software elective
    CS-8803-O05 Data Visualization for Health Informatics elective
    CS-8803-O06 Biomedical Analytics elective
    CS-8803-O08 Compilers: Theory & Practice elective
    CS-8803-O12 Systems Issues in Cloud Computing elective
    CSE-6220 High Performance Computing elective

    Interactive Intelligence

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    CS-6300 Software Development Process core
    CS-6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms core
    CS-6601 Artificial Intelligence core
    CS-7637 Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Systems core
    CS-7641 Machine Learning core
    CS-6440 Introduction to Health Informatics elective
    CS-6460 Educational Technology elective
    CS-6465 Computational Journalism elective
    CS-6603 AI, Ethics & Society elective
    CS-6750 Human-Computer Interaction elective
    CS-6795 Introduction to Cognitive Science elective
    CS-7632 Game AI elective
    CS-7632 Game AI elective

    Machine Learning

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    CS-6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms core
    CSE-6140 Computational Science & Engineering Algorithms core
    CS-7641 Machine Learning core
    CS-6476 Computer Vision elective
    CS-6603 AI, Ethics & Society elective
    CS-7642 Reinforcement Learning elective
    CS-7643 Deep Learning elective
    CS-7646 Machine Learning for Trading elective
    CSE-6240 Web Search & Text Mining elective
    CSE-6242 Data & Visual Analytics elective
    CSE-6250 Big Data for Health Informatics elective
    ISYE-6416 Computational Statistics elective
    ISYE-6420 Bayesian Statistics elective

    Energy Systems

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    CS-6035 Introduction to Information Security core
    PUBP-6725 Information Security Policies core
    CS-6238 Secure Computer Systems core-flex
    CS-6260 Applied Cryptography core-flex
    CS-6262 Network Security core-flex
    CS-6265 Information Security Lab core-flex
    CS-6726 Privacy, Technology, Policy & Law core-flex
    INTA-6014 Scenario & Path Gaming core-flex
    INTA-6450 Data Analytics & Security core-flex
    INTA-8803G Challenge of Terrorism in Democratic Societies core-flex
    PUBP-6111 Internet & Public Policy core-flex
    PUBP-6501 Information Policy & Management core-flex
    PUBP-6502 Information & Communications Policy core-flex
    CS-6263 Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems Security required
    ECE-8803a Computational Aspects of Cyber Physical Systems required
    ECE-8803e Introduction to Cyber Physical Electric Energy Systems required
    ECE-8803g Smart Grids required
    CS-7639 Cyber Physical Design & Analysis elective
    ECE-6320 Power Systems Control & Operation elective
    ECE-6323 Power Systems Protection elective
    ECE-8803c Embedded Systems elective
    ECE-8803d Embedded Systems Security elective
    ECE-8803h Software Vulnerabilities & Security elective
    ECE-6266 Energy Systems Practicum practicum

    Information Security

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    CS-6035 Introduction to Information Security core
    PUBP-6725 Information Security Policies core
    CS-6263 Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems Security core-flex
    CS-6726 Privacy, Technology, Policy & Law core-flex
    ECE-8803a Computational Aspects of Cyber Physical Systems core-flex
    ECE-8803e Introduction to Cyber Physical Electric Energy Systems core-flex
    ECE-8803g Smart Grids core-flex
    INTA-6014 Scenario & Path Gaming core-flex
    INTA-6450 Data Analytics & Security core-flex
    INTA-8803G Challenge of Terrorism in Democratic Societies core-flex
    PUBP-6111 Internet & Public Policy core-flex
    PUBP-6501 Information Policy & Management core-flex
    PUBP-6502 Information & Communications Policy core-flex
    CS-6260 Applied Cryptography required
    CS-6238 Secure Computer Systems required
    CS-6262 Network Security required
    CS-6265 Information Security Lab required
    CS-6210 Advanced Operating Systems elective
    CS-6250 Computer Networks elective
    CS-6300 Software Development Process elective
    CS-6400 Database Systems Concepts & Design elective
    CS-8813 Malware Analysis & Defense elective
    CS-6266 Information Security Practicum practicum


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    CS-6035 Introduction to Information Security core
    PUBP-6725 Information Security Policies core
    CS-6238 Secure Computer Systems core-flex
    CS-6260 Applied Cryptography core-flex
    CS-6262 Network Security core-flex
    CS-6263 Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems Security core-flex
    CS-6265 Information Security Lab core-flex
    ECE-8803a Computational Aspects of Cyber Physical Systems core-flex
    ECE-8803e Introduction to Cyber Physical Electric Energy Systems core-flex
    ECE-8803g Smart Grids core-flex
    CS-6726 Privacy, Technology, Policy & Law required
    INTA-6014 Scenario & Path Gaming required
    INTA-6450 Data Analytics & Security required
    INTA-8803G Challenge of Terrorism in Democratic Societies required
    PUBP-6111 Internet & Public Policy required
    PUBP-6501 Information Policy & Management required
    PUBP-6502 Information & Communications Policy required
    CS-6726 Privacy, Technology, Policy & Law elective
    INTA-6014 Scenario & Path Gaming elective
    INTA-6450 Data Analytics & Security elective
    INTA-8803G Challenge of Terrorism in Democratic Societies elective
    PUBP-6111 Internet & Public Policy elective
    PUBP-6501 Information Policy & Management elective
    PUBP-6502 Information & Communications Policy elective
    PUBP-6266 Policy Practicum practicum